Monday, 29 May 2017

John Jones... Before there was Bella

John has been getting a little lonely, so he's being slightly inappropriate. Here, the tween, Janet Summers is talking to John while he's in his PJ's. He maintains an awkward silence. "I've never been kissed you know."

Realising that she's made a bit of a gaff, she changes the subject.
"It's been a bit cloudy, hasn't it?"

Yay! thinks John.
"Oh yes, he says. But the sun always comes out again."

"But I still want to be kissed sometime."

More awkward silence from John.

Sim-Handler: Well John, if you didn't want her to talk about this sort of thing, you shouldn't be giving her money shots in your pj's.

John finally addresses the situation. He crosses his legs.
"One day you'll find a boy to kiss."
 "Someone your own age"

"In the city"

Without another word, Janet gets up and leaves.

Sim-Handler: Nice one John. You handled that well... So now who are you going to talk to? Hmmm?