This is the list of Dillman's Grove Inhabitants as they have been identified...
Basic information is held here, and will link to Sim Pages as they are set up.
Because this hood will be exploring both supernatural and fantasy and science-fantasy themes, some definitions are included here. Not everyone will be a normal sim with a birth date and death date.
Mr Time (um)- non-human, immortal.
Morrigan Raven (uf) - non-human, immortal.
Zenna Henderson (f) - human, mortal.
George Mashuga (cousin of Frankie) (m) - human, mortal.
Reginald Codswallop (m) - ex-human, non-aging mortal.
Toto (f) - ex-human, non-aging mortal.
Sam Drifter (m) - human, mortal
Monty Python (m) - human, non-aging mortal.
Alice (f) - human, mortal.
Mad Hatter (m) - human, non-aging mortal.
Unknown Interventionist (u) - non-human, mortal.
Unknown Interventionist (u) - non-human, mortal.
Not quite Audrey Parker (f) - human, mortal.
John Jones (m) - human, mortal
Bella Goth (f) - human, mortal
Whoopi Goldberg (f) - human, mortal
Jane Eyre (f) - human mortal
Barbie (f) - human mortal
Queen Victoria Regina (f) - human mortal
Lucille Ball (f) - human mortal
Greta Garbo (f) - human mortal
Definitions -
non-human - never human, may be humanoid, comes from somewhere else than sim-earth. Does not necessarily have a physical form.
ex-human - once human. Includes some form of transformation from human to ex-human. Once becoming ex-human, certain human characteristics may also disappear.
human - humanoid shape, being genetically determined from other humans, having generalised human characteristics - that is, opposable thumbs, etc.
immortal - unable to die.
mortal - able to die.
non-aging - does not age from the moment that became non-aging. That is, became non-aging at 5, then remains 5 for the rest of their lives. Same for 70 or 30, etc. Death by old age, is no longer available, however other forms of death are, depending on their mortality.
m/f/u - what dangly bits they have. Male, Female, Universal.
um - universal, presents as male.
uf - universal, presents as female.
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